My inspiration is coming from my childhood memories.
I lived in a village surrounded by rice field, green tea field, river, mountains and Pacific Ocean.
Then I draw them in my small note book, paint them with acrylic color on cotton canvas.
And I create them with ceramic and porcelain.
Ceramic and Porcelain
I create the shape with hands.
While I touching the clay, I decide the shape. So many times, I surprised what I made. 😄
But I can add and curve at this step. I keep it under the plastic wrap to keep it moisture until final shape.
Sometimes, I paint them with underglaze.
Then dry completely naturally.
Then first bisque fire. It takes more than 24 hours.
When it cool down, I paint them with glaze.
Finally glaze firing!!!🔥
Also it takes 24 hours with higher temperature.
After long process, the artsy pottery is created!
It takes about 1 month. 😄
*Please contact us for custom order↓